Thursday, January 26, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Introducing Abigail Grace Peigh
Here are some anticipated photos of our wonderful Abigail Grace! Mom and Baby are doing fantastic. The doctors are hopeful we will all come home tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday). I'll post some more pictures tomorrow after we get settled. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. We love you all a bunch!

Monday, January 23, 2006
Baby Peigh Has Arrived!
What an amazing weekend! Who would have imagined when I woke up Sunday morning that before the clock struck 12, Pilar and I would receive such an amazing gift; life. We are so unbelievably blessed to introduce to you our daughter, Abigail Grace Peigh! She is healthy, beautiful, and perfect!
After a long day of laboring, at about 10:30 pm last night (January 22nd) our midwife and the attending doctor decided it would be best if we moved toward a cesarean section. Pilar was running a bit of a fever and the baby was positioned awkwardly in the birth canal so we were glad to move in this direction as well. After preparing Pilar for surgery and dressing me in an interesting blue outfit, at 11:00 we entered the OR excited to realize that within minutes we would finally meet the child we have anticipated for nine months. At 11:12 pm the team of doctors encouraged me to look beyond the head curtain that separated Pilar and I from the operation itself to call the gender – it’s a girl! The several hours that followed a still a bit of a blur. Keep checking back for more photos throughout the next few days. We’ve got a bunch to post. However, here are some vitals to peak your interest…
Abigail Grace Peigh
Born January 22nd, 2006 at 11:12 pm
7 lbs 6 oz
19.5 inches
A full head of dark hair and long eye lashes
She is very very precious!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
One week down; One week to go

In addition to having another week under our belt concerning the pregnancy, Pilar also has a week under her belt in her new job. On Monday she began a new position as the Assistant Principal at Ledge Street Elementary. Though she has come home fairly exhausted each evening, she has enjoyed meeting the staff and students. The picture above greeted her on the first day!
Monday, January 09, 2006
Fourteen Days

Saturday, January 07, 2006
Sixteen Days
Only sixteen days now until our "official" due date. Every day seems to be "official" now however. Pilar is doing great taking into consideration a fair amount of swelling in her legs and feet over the past week. No question, we're in the home stretch now. We can sense it. I think she is hopeful Baby Peigh will join us as soon as possible! I am hopeful too!
More info coming just as soon as there is info to share!