Bags are packed. Car seat is installed. Camcorder is charged. House is clean. This waiting game is enough to drive us crazy. Fourteen days now until our "official" due date. With each passing day we watch for more signs pointing toward the inevitable, but not much has changed really. Going into the weekend, Pilar was sure we'd have a baby by Monday. Today is Monday. No baby. A moment ago Pilar was doing squats with the birthing ball. Anything it takes. We're starting to think however, that this child might just have a mind and schedule of its own. Our first lesson in parenting is a difficult reality to relax into, "we're no longer in control." I suppose we never were really, but at least the illusion was nice. That's gone and now we find ourselves staring at Pilar's belly occasionally whispering, "come on baby!" Tonight I promised it that if it came, I would set the thermostat to "hold" at 98 degrees to ensure it wouldn't be all that different here that it is "in there." We'll see if Baby Peigh takes the bait, but I wouldn't put much money on it. For now, we wait.
Very excited for you two!!!
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