Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Two Lines

Eight days ago, life changed. It has changed before, but never as it did on May 16th, 2005. On that day, Pilar and I made a fantastic observation -- we saw two lines. During the procedding weeks, we had seen one line -- but now we were staring at two. It was an amazing reality - Pilar and I are pregnant.
Well, she is more pregnant that I am, but nonetheless I share her excitement just the same. The moments that will follow this will be full of excitement, challenge, and more than a few midnight runs for ice cream. We know nothing about being pregnant. Well, I know less than she does, but nonetheless we're excited to find our way thorugh this adventure.
In coming weeks, we hope this web page will become a window into our excitement for all of our family and friends. As we post pictures, and stories join us in celebrating life!
Josh, Pilar and baby too!