Several months ago, prior to finding out we were expecting, Pilar and I decided to paint the guest bedroom - smokey grape. It's a good color. Warm. Inviting. Serene. Little did we know, that we were picking out a nursery color scheme. However it works great - not purple enough to be feminine, not blue enough to be masculine. So when we found out Pilar was pregnant, we decided to stick with "smokey grape."
About two months back, we assembled the crib and put it in place. And since then, that is how the room has remained. Smokey Grape with a crib. No art. No pictures. No furniture. No toys. No books. Just smokey grape with a crib.
So you can begin to see why yesterday was paramount. Upon the realization that only seven weeks remain until we will welcome Baby Peigh into our world, we decided it was time to kick into full gear preparing the nursery. To help us accomplish this task, we made a visit to the wonderland of home furnishings - IKEA.
If you're not familiar with IKEA, you really are missing out on something incredible. I liken the experience to the first time I rode "The Beast" at Kings Island. When you board the adventure, you think you're in for a nice little ride similar to the other roller coasters you've enjoyed over in the kiddy land for several years. However, what awaits are a series of twists and turns, tunnels and drops that thrill the senses. The only exception being rarely have I witnessed someone puke after exiting IKEA.
When it comes to finding home furnishings that fit into the budget of a young family, IKEA has everything and I'm pretty sure we came close to bringing most of it home with us yesterday. You'll be glad to know we found a carpet, futon, hanging closet storage, mobile, blinds, picture frames, shelving, hooks, and baskets all for the nursery. Needless to say, we are excited to see the nursery come together. After putting several things together late last night, I sat in the room and really for the first time began to visualize the room as the child will know it and how we will come to experience it. I imagine our child, fussing in the crib, gazing at the mobile, crawling on the carpet. It is a wonderful reality to anticipate - an endearing picture in my mind.