Thirty-seven Days

To prepare ourselves for the reality of this all, Pilar and I have been talking to one another in terms that suggest the urgency of Baby Peigh's arrival. We'll say, "in five weeks when the baby is here," or "let's put that together for when the baby is here in 37 days." When you start phrasing the reality in actual numbers that can easily be reduced it all seems to come to a remarkably clear focus.
So for now, I will leave you to your own thoughts. However, I will check back in and make another post when we are but 36 days or maybe 27 or perhaps 15 days from planning Baby Peigh's birthday! Wow!
Best wishes to you and your wife. We had our first a few years ago. You're so far ahead of the game. (He came a month early, so we were caught rather off-guard.)
New parents are always flooded with (unwelcome) advice. Here's mine: there's a new person moving into the house. This little one will arrive with a personality and a plan. You'll have to adjust. So will Baby Peigh. Keep your expectations low and you'll enjoy it more. Everything doesn't have to be perfect. If you all make it through the day relatively close to intact, you're doing brilliantly. When all you have to give is 'good enough,' you're probably doing great.
Peace and joy!
all I am going to say about that is Connor is in first grade, Evan is in kindergarten and Garrett is 2.
See you when you and the family are up to visiting DC. Janet
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