We had our first birthing class last night. I can't speak completely for Pilar, but this pregnancy has afforded one humorous experience after another. The class is a four session "how to" on giving birth. It was actually very informative and began to answer some questions that many have on their minds in the weeks leading up to child birth. It was just wild to be in a room with that many pregnant women at once. There was a fair share of leaning, and adjusting, swaying and standing throughout the evening. One thing I found humorous was the number of men in the room who function as living breathing body pillows for their spouses - me included. I sat their watching as women tugged and pulled, propped and bent their husbands into whatever position would alleviate their discomfort. One woman in particular is about 25 weeks or so with twins. Watching her made me feel uncomfortable. Suddenly, I found myself twisting, turning, and practicing some deliberate breathing.
What took the cake for the evening however was the final thirty minutes of the class. After a rousing two hour discussion about things like pre-labor, dilation, placenta attachment, pelvic positions, breaking of the waters, and perhaps the most enlightening, after birth - the instructor dimmed the lights and softly said, "now we're going to watch a video."
I'm sorry did you say, "watch a video?" Right.
So I'm a pretty big movie buff. There actually are few things I'd rather do than sit down and relax with a great movie. I like all kinds really. Action adventure. Drama. Comedy. Foreign films. I'm even glad to take in a classic "chick flick" from time to time. But short of the preview for "Chicken Little" last night's feature might possibly be the most mind boggling thing I have seen.
I think the video was called "Preparing for your Delivery" or something to that effect. It started off very serene; covering some basics of pre-labor signs to be aware of. It included touching interviews with mothers and fathers about their experience in labor and the wonder of new life. Then suddenly, with little time to prepare ourselves, we were given a front row seat at the birth of several interviewees.
That's right. Front row. Only these tickets aren't sold at Ticketmaster.

Here comes the humorous part. The looks on the faces of the men and women in that room (mine included I'm sure) were priceless. Almost on cue, everyone tilted their head to one side or another, furrowed their brow, bugged their eyes and dropped their jaw. Some people were covering their mouths. Still other people were shaking their heads as if in some way it would make the reality of the soon to be experience disappear. I think several looked away. A wife punched her husband. One guy splashed water on this face. Several asked for the "check please." The night ended in silence. And as everyone collected their things and made for the door, the final look of desperation was offered from every man to his spouse. As the credits rolled at the video's conclusion - the face of each man universally communicated, "oh honey, what have I done to you? Please don't hate me forever."
Now I must conclude by saying this; though the video was shocking to say the least it was what we all imagined it to be and strangely anticipate. All the workings of labor are so wonderfully mysterious. And the gift of life is so remarkably awesome. With just a few days more than seven weeks remaining, Pilar and I both wish the experience we witnessed last night were only moments away.
Downright hilarious. Thank you for that vivid rendition that, although quite disgusting in theory, provides a beautiful truth about new life. It's hard, painful, but the miracle we all look forward to.
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