Saturday, April 15, 2006

2006 Easter Weekend

All is well this 2006 Easter weekend! Abigail is twelve weeks old tomorrow. She continues to amaze us with fun new changes everyday. The most exciting has been to see her personality begin to present itself, as you can see even from the pictures. She loves to "talk" and hear her own voice. So our home is full of constant "yip, yaw, yap yap, yaw yaw yaw." Her newest thing is to cover her eyes with her arm just before it is time to go down for a nap. It's like she is saying, "guys, I can't take it any longer. No more talking. No more laughing. It's all I can take!" She is one funny kid. Enjoy the pictures!
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Saturday, April 01, 2006

Family Outing

We finally have nice weather again in New Hampshire. Overall I guess it has been a very mild winter, but any weather that requires a jacket is to cold in my opinion. However, Friday we saw temps around 70 degrees, so out we went for a hike at "Mine's Falls." Except for the cat, the whole family (Pilar, Abigail, Hobo and me) enjoyed a great day together. Abigail did great with the "off-roading."

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What a Hair Day!

Paul Mitchell eat your heart out!

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