T plus Eight Weeks

For those of you who are not aware, the past eight weeks have been more than the typical sleepless adventure most new parents encounter. Since the c-section, Pilar has experienced a fairly difficult recovery (actually that's putting it lightly). Five days after we returned home from the hospital, it became necessary to re-open her incision and allow it to heal slowly with the help of packing as opposed to a suture. This required two trips each day to the doctor for a dressing change for just more than five weeks. Thankfully, Pilar had her final visit to the doctor last week where she was cleared with about a 95% bill of recovery. Inspite of all the challenges, she is doing well and on the mend.
Abigail is changing more and more each day. We have seen her find her smile and laughter is now a common sound. In addition she is beginning to respond to our company (sometimes that means a smile, sometimes it means a squirm, sometimes it means a squeal). She also started holding her head up on her own last week. This has been great - she can look over our shoulder and follow us with her eyes across the room! And the other day she even said, "hi daddy!" Okay, so it might have actually sounded more like "yada ha yi aah ya" but if you play it backwards in slow motion while standing upside down, you can definately hear it!
So for now, all is well. We have really appreciated all of the cards and gifts, encouragement and love that have blessed our family! Check back for more great kodak moments with Abigail!