Monday, February 13, 2006

Infinite Kodak Moments

Pilar's mom and dad (Glenn and Ginny) have been with us since a few days before Abigail was born. Their presence has been a gift to us in many many ways. With the unexpected length of Pilar's recovery from the c-section it has been so necessary to have extra hands around the house. We never could have made our way through the past three weeks without their support. Among all of the advice we received from friends, family, the news paper delivery guy and the street sweeper were a multitude of comments along the lines of, "oh boy, the first few weeks are pretty difficult - get your rest now, you'll never get it again." Honestly in the days that led up to Abigail's arrival we grew tired of hearing that statement. But our experience (less all of Pilar's physical limitations) has really been great! Undoubtedly this has come as the result of the love, support, encouragement, and down right hard work of Glenn and Ginny. As I said, in more than one way they have been a gift to our new family.

Now however, the time has come for them to return to Pittsburgh, PA. It's up to us to see if we can do this parenting thing on our own. We'll see how it goes. A great comfort however, is knowing that a second great gift is on it's way Sunday night. My mom and sister are coming in town. Mom will be here for a week. My sister for a few days. My dad will come in on Wednesday and stay through the weekend. I just can't wait for Abigail to meet them. She's got two great sets of grand parents! Thanks for all of the love!

So as Glenn and Ginny prepare to leave, we decided to burn a CD with all of the pictures we have taken since her birth. We are officially up to 400 wonderful Kodak moments. That's right, we've taken 400 pictures of our amazing Abigail - and it continues to grow!! Thank goodness for digital cameras! Here is a new one taken just today! Wow is she precious!

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Friday, February 10, 2006

Three Week Birthday is coming soon!

Can you believe Abigail is going to be three weeks old this Sunday? We're having a great time learning to be parents. Everyday is so different from the one before. She is definately keeping us on our toes!

On Wednesday we visited our Pediatrician for a two week check up. Abigail managed to regain all of the weight she lost after delivery. She was born at 7lbs. 6oz., but went home at 6lbs. 10oz. Now she's 7.6. again. Plus she's grown 1/2 inch in the past three weeks.

She continues to amaze us with new, fun discoveries every day. She is much more alert lately - making eye contact, cooing, smiling. She makes us melt at the drop of a hat.

So if I can find a free moment long enough to collect some thoughts, I'll make a post soon sharing some of the fun stories from the past two weeks! For now, here's a collage I've been working of the peanut! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 04, 2006

More Pictures

Alright already. I've heard your persistent plea to see more pictures and finally we are following through. It's difficult to believe, but Abigail will be two weeks old tomorrow evening. Needless to say, each day provides numerous photo ops. She is absolutely precious and acclimating to our world quite well. I could go on and on about the developmental advances we have seen in the past week, her intellegence (Pilar just looked at this messasge and suggested we call it "alertness" instead of "intelligence" but I happen to think that the ability to open one's eyes or move one's feet at a rapid pace while having a diaper change is the sign of a bright future!). For now however, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves!