Saturday, October 08, 2005
The crib has arrived

What that means however, is that we are that much closer to January and the arrival of Baby Peigh. This past Wednesday we had another doctor's appointment. Pilar and baby are progressing very well. All is healthy and the heartbeat continues to be fast and strong. If old wives tales are correct and our intuition serves us well, we anticipate a girl baby Peigh. Of course, we have neither found out the gender for sure - nor do we intend to find out - so we are becoming increasingly excited to meet our child!
Last night we conquered what anyone with a child has suggested was "unconquerable" - we put up the crib! We've got a few pictures downloaded and available in our "flicker" (click the picture collage in the right hand margin). Overall I would say it came together nicely in just under an hour.
We have heard so many horror stories about putting cribs together. "It will take you days," several have said. In addition to personal testimonies of disastrous crib experiences, furniture stores go to great lengths to clearly communicate, "we DO NOT assemble cribs." I think this policy is partly motivated by liability and difficultly. However, besides the directions being printed in French (the crib was made in Canada), it was fairly straight forward.
So now we have a place for Baby Peigh to call home. And until his or her arrival, a place for Pilar and I to stand and stare - day dreaming about what is soon to come! Each passing day creates additional anticipation!