Baby Peigh in Motion
We've been waiting for some time now to feel the baby move. Sources suggest a mother should feel the baby move in the womb any time between week 16 and 20. Today we begin week 19. Needless to say, we have been anticipating this moment for some time now. Most difficult has been differentiating between a significant movement and indigestion. I know, it seems a bit crude - discerning child from gas - but it is a very important experience to note. In addition to being an exciting bench mark in any pregnancy, the date a child is first felt moving in the womb can help doctors and midwives pinpoint the projected due date with greater accuracy. So it was with overwhelming enthusiasm that Pilar called me on Friday afternoon with news that her office had been consumed by spontaneous laughter when suddently she felt something new - completely unlike gas - within her womb. Baby Peigh is officially in motion.
Congratulations Peigh family! Josh, this is Mandy Liptak--I totally just found your blog from where you had stumbled across Mike Clair's blog. Isn't the blogging world crazy? It's great to hear about the baby, and hope all is well w/ you out East!
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