The quest for the holy grail

Buying a house is a drop in the bucket when compared to buying a crib. This is the most belabored decision a family will make in preparation for a child. Do you go with an Italian line, Canadian line, remain faithful to the good ole US of A or sell out entirely to an Asian import? Do you explore convertible cribs that allow for expansion into a toddler bed, day bed, full bed? Should we have a knee release, casters for rolling, flip down entry way? Is it best to have spring support or the newer concept of wooden mattress supports? What style is best? Do we want something more contemporary, perhaps more country, white, cherry, auburn or antiqued finish? And what about the slat width? It has to be safe. And don't forget about the complementary furniture. I think we like this crib or that, but the dresser leaves some to be desired. And we've still not considered the "bumper theme" or mattress pad - there are decisions required there as well. At least when buying a home you have the assistance of a home inspector to help you consider all of your options and troubleshoot your questions. But with this, it seems to be every man and wife for themselves. I think my favorite part of the search is watching couples sit intently in a display of "glider" chairs, sweat dripping from their brow, discussing each aspect of every crib, evaluating as if the decision that is about to be made could possibly affect global hunger or a peace embargo. And I'm careful not to exclude myself from my own revelation; I fit into this camp as well. But nonetheless, I find it all quite humorous and take this moment to laugh even at myself.
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