Saturday, July 09, 2005

Tuesday we hear Thumper

I sense we are gaining an audience. Over the past couple of weeks, more and more friends and family are beginning to access this site. We are thrilled you have come to visit and hope you'll come back to check in often. The official "pregnancy press release" is not yet circulating, but the time is coming soon. Until then, feel free to share this site in leaking the great news with friends and family as we celebrate together!

Tuesday is a big day. We have a 3:15 appointment with our doctor to hear the thumper for the first time. Several weeks ago we had an ultrasound performed in which the baby could be seen (well a slightly fuzzy circular shape could been seen), but not heard. What was clear in that initial visit was the flicker of the heartbeat. Amazing. Completely amazing. However, on Tuesday we will actually hear the heartbeat. During the ultrasound at week five, I remember the technician sharing that the heart rate was 144 beats per minute. It will be interesting to see if the little guy/gal is still keeping such a frenetic pace. Old wives tales are a dime a dozen (maybe even a dime for two dozen) but one such tale suggests the higher the heart rate the greater likelihood it is a girl. After week eleven, our gut suggests the same but our premonitions seem to be as fleeting as our appetites these days.

All is well on the homestead. We continue to rejoice in your friendship and the anticipation of what is to come. Just below this entry (and all entries) to the right is a link for "comments." Please feel free to post comments, suggestions, advice, or a humorous anecdote. We enjoy hearing from you!


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